September 3, 2010


Penrith Council’s Enhanced Environmental Program has a strong commitment to improving and maintaining the quality of our waterways and raising community awareness about water use and water conservation.
To celebrate National Water Week, Council has again organised an exciting Photographic Competition with the theme “Water in Penrith - Our Most Precious Resource”.
The total length of all waterways within the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) is approximately 1,500 kilometres
There are 73 gross pollutant traps installed within the LGA that removed hundreds of tonnes of pollutants (such as litter, leaves, silt and plastic bottles) from our waterways each year
The stormwater network consists of about 580 kilometres of stormwater pipeline and is not connected to sewer but flows directly to our creeks and rivers
Caring for Penrith's waterways and our precious water resources is everyone's responsibility as it’s our water, our future.
Categories and Prizes:
Open Age Category (Over 18yrs) - $500 photographic gift voucher and a double pass to Penrith Whitewater Stadium valued at $178
12 – 18 yrs - $250 photographic gift voucher and a double pass to Penrith Whitewater Stadium valued at $178
Under 12 yrs - $250 photographic gift voucher
Entries close Monday 11 October 2010
Up to 3 entries will be accepted per person.
The winners will be notified by 25 October 2010
How to Enter:
We are calling for all creative amateur photographers to submit a photograph that captures what the theme “Water in Penrith - Our Most Precious Resource” means to them. All photos submitted must have been taken within the Penrith Local Government Area. Photos will be judged on presentation of the theme, composition, focus, use of light, and creativity.
All photographic entries must include a completed entry form, and can be submitted as follows:
In digital jpeg format via email to All images must be of a high quality when viewed in an A4 format.
In digital jpeg format on CD and an A4 mounted photograph. All digital images must be of a high quality when viewed in an A4 format. Send your photographic entry to:

“Water in Penrith” Photographic Competition
Penrith City Council
PO Box 60
Penrith NSW 2751
Or drop into:
Penrith City Council
601 High Street, Penrith